

Question by  livv (1)

What are some girl hobbies?

i want them to be simple and fun.


Answer by  Blossom9283 (358)

Some girl hobbies are scrap booking, needlepoint, and latch hooking. Scrap booking I think is the easiest of them, because you are decorating your pictures in fun ways.


Answer by  krnboichi (14)

Well, the most obvious hobby would be shopping. At my school I know that some girls pick up knitting, but shopping is the best one.


Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

Find something that interests YOU; some girls love non-traditional activities. That said, traditional "girl" hobbies include: 1. Hiking, softball, dance 2. Painting, singing, drawing 3. Knitting, needlepoint, sewing


Answer by  sabredog (50)

How about beading or jewelry making? You can make your jewelry as simple or elaborate as you wish and its a good group activity too.


Answer by  sinemasiren (95)

One hobby that I've recently taken up is banked-track roller derby. It challenges me physically and mentally and has led me to meet some incredible people.


Answer by  Anonymous

i know this sounds dorky but, i love to read. Im also going to take up scrap booking soon as well.... Maybe dancing? Singing? ANY sport. Group activities....

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