home improvement


Question by  Anonymous

What are some easy ways to reduce energy bills?


Answer by  Gfaaw (143)

You can replace your light bulbs with the new energy efficient bulbs which use 50 to 75% less power. The thermostat on your water heater can be turned down, most are preset at 125 to 130 degrees. You can turn it down to 120 degrees without noticing any difference in showering or dish washing.


Answer by  lita (135)

You can reduce it by unpluging what you are not using, and only turn on the lights in the rooms being used. Also use the new energy effecient light bulbs, not only do they use less electricity, they last a lot longer. Try having the family watch one T.V. set at a time, or keeping the kids busy outside.


Answer by  bob (22)

- turn the lights off when you are not using them - turn TV and computer off when not using - insulate your house - double glazing on windows - have internal doors - have backed curtains - watch less television - use the computer less - cook multiple meals at the same time - use fireplace rather than radiators - turn the heating down a down a notch


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

You can keep your blinds or curtains closed, take shorter showers, keep your thermostat on 72 degrees as often as possible.

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