


Question by  BillBrent (33)

What are some causes of excessive shedding in dogs?


Answer by  shelley (70)

Poor diet can cause excessive shedding. In addition, the change in seasons will cause a dog to shed it's coat.


Answer by  Cc74 (25)

Excessive shedding in dogs can be a result of living under artificial lighting. Dogs shedding are controlled by the seasons under normal circumstances dogs will shed during changes in the seasons. They are unable to determine the seasons under indoor conditions. Inadequate nutrition or hormones are other causes of shedding.


Answer by  rayven8099 (199)

A deficiency in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids has been linked to excessive shedding in dogs. Other common causes include enviromental factors and hormonal changes due to spaying/neutering.


Answer by  AR (53)

This can be caused by stress of a new pet/housemate, by poor diet, and sometimes by poor exercise routines for your dog.

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