


Question by  lily290 (134)

They served my parents and not me--It was not my address. What should I do?


Answer by  withluck (1745)

Your parents address probably was the last known address for you and so you were served there. You can change the address with the court, if you feel that is important, but they did obviously manage to get the papers to you through your parents and so you are required to act upon them.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You should contact the court- whatever you were served for is still valid, and this can be embarrassing- they may find you at work, you may go to the registry to renew something, or get pulled over for a light out on your car, and find yourself in cuffs. It won't go away, and may get worse.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

If they are serving your parents for a crime that you committed, I would suggest going with them to court and either plead guilty or at least explain to them that you changed your address and your parents should not be taking the blame for your actions, whether you are guilty of said actions or not.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

You should take the initiative and respond to the summons as if it was sent to you. They will find out the error sooner or later.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You need to go to a lawyer, the lawyer can tell you what you need to do to fix it. The lawyer will be able to help you out, but you should really talk to one.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

Nothing, unless your name is mentioned on the warrant as well. If it is, then you should contact your local police department to come and get the summons from them.

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