home decorating


Question by  Wormoid (25)

Should the bed in my master bedroom face north, south, east or west. according to feng shui?

I would like to make sure my furniture is placed the right way for feng shui


Answer by  drJ (841)

The direction the bed faces is less important than its relative position to the door - it should be as far from the door as possible with the door still viewable.


Answer by  holdengal (693)

Feng shui is more about balance rather than cardinal direction of a bedroom. You want to keep in mind that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Therefore, if you don't want the sun waking you up on the morning, face your bedroom to the West. You'll also get to watch sunsets this way.


Answer by  patti (29325)

A good feng shui bed includes a solid headboard, a good mattress and a height that allows for good circulation of energy without obstruction (so no under-bed storage). The bed should be positioned with the foot closest to the door and with the head allowing a full view of the door.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Rather than compass position, "commanding position" is what matters. Locate the bed as far as possible from the door and turn the bed so the head of the bed is farthest from the door.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

It depends on where your master bedroom is in the house. You'll need to map out your living space and consider the overall layout first.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well according to feng shui, balance is what counts. Therefore, your bed should be away from the door as much as it can be. It is more important to follow this than by going by direction.


Answer by  LAS41 (88)

A direction like north isn't as important as making sure your bed is as far from the door of your bedroom as possible and is not in line with the door. You want to be able to see the door from bed, but not be aligned with it.


Answer by  Avw (77)

Feng shui guidelines for beds do not relate to direction. What is important is the relationship to the door and maximizing the occupant's range of visibility within the room.

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