

Question by  Alev (23)

Should I buy a Dvorak keyboard?


Answer by  mediajunkie (592)

While Dvorak is a lot more ergonomic, it is hard to switch back to QWERTY keyboards once you get used to it. Conversely, QWERTY keyboards are everywhere (cell phone, work, laptop, public locations) it would be hard to pick up Dvorak when you are still being exposed to QWERTY.


Answer by  xsut (943)

Dvorak keyboards are a really good brand of keyboard and can be worth the money if you are willing to spend it.


Answer by  MaryJ (208)

Yes, the Dvorak layout was designed to replace the QWERTY keyboard layout in which keys are arranged to avoid mechanical jams on the first generation of economically successful typewriters. This keyboard in my opinion is much easier and finger friendly than QWERTY keyboard layout. I would highly recommend this keyboard.


Answer by  tumsy (467)

They are ecpensive no need for you to buy dvorak keyboard. Just find an old keyboard and pop up the keys and snap them back in dvorak layout.

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