


Question by  Cookinginbc (383)

My husky's ears are soft. Will they stay that way?


Answer by  mmn (369)

They should remain that way unless your dog sustains an injury to his ears. Fly strike can cause inflammation and scabs on the tips of the ears. If your dog is outdoors, keep an eye out for this. Dogs can also develop scar tissue from an aural hematoma if they have a bad ear infection.


Answer by  mb (5482)

The cartilidge in a young husky's ear is quite pliable. With time it will stiff up a bit. Its the same with human ears.


Answer by  Sydney (87)

Huskies are known for losing their entire coat and growing new ones several times through out the year; therefore, there is no way to know for sure. However if your dog is over one years old, it is safe to say that they will probably remain soft for the rest of his/her life.

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