

Question by  smcelhaney (1)

My 3 year old rottweiler just had puppies, but she is clearly very ill, what could be wrong with her?

she is throwing up and has diarhea and is wobbly when on her feet


Answer by  mindygdane (75)

Septicemia might be a distict problem as well as a few other uterine infections. Your best bet in this situation is to take her temperature and pulse/respiration. If either of these are elevated, I would not hesitate to take her to the Vet for an immediate chek up as this situation usually requires antibiotics.


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

Usually with those symptoms your dog could have lost too much blood during her delivery of the puppies. Also, her iron or sugar could be low causing the sickness. If your dog is having more symptoms then just the throwing up and diarhea she could have an infection or a virus.


Answer by  Kriket (1029)

She should visit a vet. There are a number of things that could happen during birth. A puppy may still be inside, dead or alive. She may have a retained placenta, she could have lost too much blood or worse. Please take her to a vet NOW!


Answer by  MissSophie86 (62)

Check first the temperature. If its over 39,5°C It can me an infection of the uterus. Can happen when pieces of blood didn't came out after the birth. Its neccessary to go to a vet quickly other ways the dog can get poisoned.

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