

Question by  bhawna (41)

Is there a natural high that feels like smoking pot?

I am trying to get my boyfriend to stop smoking pot.


Answer by  janedoe (701)

No. Most people consider "natural" highs to be things like exercise, adrenaline, love, etc. These activities are all stimulants, while pot is a hallucinogen. Marijuana is itself "natural" in the sense that it is a plant; however, most marijuana bought on the streets contains traces of other, non "natural" chemicals.

posted by Anonymous
no marijuana bought anywhere on any street will ever contain non-natural chemicals. unless you get laced, which is why legalization is best, since it leads to regulation.  add a comment

Answer by  davidwaugh (6)

I experience naturals highs from both strenuous excercise and emotional 'rushes'. Sometimes they combine together and then I also mediate as well to enjoy a complete state of bliss and spiritual wellbeing which includes an expectation of something great about to happen.


Answer by  Timpridemore (149)

Strenuous exercise releases endorphins that resemble opiates in their ability to produce a feeling of well-being. A similar benefit, commonly called a "runners high" is thought to be caused by other chemicals released in the brain during strenuous exercise. Exercise should be between moderate and high intensity when breathing is difficult.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

You can't get him to stop just because you want him to stop. He has to want to quit on his own in order for it to work.


Answer by  Vani1902 (120)

Pot has chemicals that seem to interfere with the functions of the brain. There are no natural highs that can be as affective as pot.


Answer by  AlexW (407)

There are many natural highs that feel like smoking pot. However, all of them are more harmful than pot itself. Marijuana is the most natural substance to get high on, without known adverse effects. That is, when not smoked in combination with tobacco.


Answer by  dialfoust (220)

In his defense, smoking pot is a lot safer than drinking alcohol. There's an item called Mr. Smiley. Supposedly it is like smoking pot but, undetected on a drug screening.


Answer by  TJenkins602 (656)

The closest thing to a high that feels like the high you get from smoking pot would be from running. When you are doing physical activity, your body releases endorphins which make the person feel better. A lot of people who run for an extended amopunt of time report having a runner's high.


Answer by  Anonymous

Smoke weed! It's God's natural stress relief

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