health conditions


Question by  sns34 (144)

Is it possible to have ADHD and maintain a healthy relationship?


Answer by  nanook (605)

Yes! There is no reason why someone with ADHD can not maintain a healthy relationship with another person. Being in a relationship with someone who has ADHD may be hard for some people, however, others may find it more enjoyable because the person is always on the go and keeping things exciting.


Answer by  Maria100 (33)

My cousin has ADHD and by seeing that, I think that a healthy relationship is not possible withouth treatment, although treatment and hard work are sometimes not enough as well.


Answer by  PirateKing (114)

Yes, it is very possible. If you take medication, you can overcome most all of the symptoms of this problem and lead a perfectly normal and full life with someone else.


Answer by  Sunda (110)

Certainly. There are a number of texts available that address strategies for this; see "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy," and "Delivered from Distraction. "

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