

Question by  LadyCookie (52)

Is it okay to install metal roofing over composite shingles?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well it is okay to install metal roofing over the shingles but it will affect the way your shingles line up. Therefore, it is up to you to decide this.


Answer by  jgbndaudio (20)

The answer depends on the structural capacity of the roofs supporting framework. An onsite inspection by a qualified engineer should be conducted. If the supporting joists are 2x6 and have no damage then more than likely one could be reasonably sure that there would be no problems.


Answer by  Gary22 (15)

It is not preferable to install metal roofing over composite shingles, but it can be done if strapping or sleepers are first fastened on top of the existing shingles into the roof deck rafters. The strapping will create a level surface to attach the metal roofing.

posted by Anonymous
This person knows how to install a metal roof. If you dont strap the roof at certain spacing, depending on wind currents in your area you will lose your roof. The main reason for strapping is to have a warranty, no space no warraty, check your warranty.  add a comment

Answer by  ambi901 (473)

Well that all depends if the structural capacity of the roof supports teh should get a qualified engineer to take a look.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes it is perfectly okay to install metal roofing over composite shingles. In fact my friend used them a year ago and they went great for him. So they should also work great for you.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

How many layers of shingles. If there is only one layer then I would say yes. (We've had this done on our house and they warranted it for 25 years.) If you have more than one layer then ask an expert for advice.

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