health procedures


Question by  sujatha (22)

Is it normal to have nerve damage from a lumbar puncture?


Answer by  Hardik (29)

Lumbar puncture is done by an injection in lower part of spinal cord and CSF is withdrawn for diagnostic purpose. In some cases spinal anesthesia is given after doing lumbar puncture. It has no side effect except low back pain. It does not harm any nerve.


Answer by  patti (29325)

It is not normal to have nerve damage following a lumbar puncture. The physician doing the procedure is highly skilled to avoid that very possibility.


Answer by  shijo (861)

Lumbar Punture is done in the L4 spine level. In Lumbar punture injections the medicine gets mixed with the cerebrospinal fluid which is in the spinal cord and it goes to the brain. For the purpuse of spinal anasthesia, lumbar punture is done. Also lumbar punture is done for a type of Leukemia called ALL (Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia)


Answer by  Anonymous

I had a lumbar punture done last week and had severe headaches and nerve damage to my legs. It's been a week and I'm still in alot of pain.


Answer by  RRGKK (412)

Unfortunately, it does happen. You should talk to your doctor about it especially if you are in pain or are having numbness in your legs. If the puncture was for a pain procedure, it could be related to that as well.


Answer by  serena (79)

In a lumbar puncture the spinal needle is introduced into the subarachnoid space and the Cerebro spinal fluid is collected for further testing. During the process complications such as severe headace can arise. Nerve damage just during a lumbar puncture procedure is unlikely.

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