

Question by  oeyadebudiman (9)

Is Hydroxycut for women effective?


Answer by  chuvixa8182 (266)

When I was in college, my roommate was a dancer. She had every diet pill known to man, including Hydroxycut. She did say that it was effective, however she also ate NOTHING, so it is difficult to tell. She may have lost just as much weight had she not taken Hydroxycut at all. If you starve, you will lose weight.


Answer by  lonelywolf (2117)

Not really. But it's not just Hydroxycut - all so called "thermogenics" or "fat burners" aren't that effective. If (and this is a big if) you have a strict diet that totally dialed in and you have an awesome exercise program, these types of supplements might help you burn an extra ounce of fat off once every two weeks.


Answer by  TanyaVIctor (39)

I've used Hydroxycut a few times. I've personally never noticed a different in my work out performance. I also used to drink a lot of coffee and Red Bull. I've had a few friends that swear by the results. Since it's been taken off the market I wouldn't suggest trying it.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

In some people it's been known to work. However, diet drugs are not good for you at all. Rapid weight loss is unhealthy for the body. Weight loss is something that should be taken seriously and gradually.

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