health conditions


Question by  JenniferGriffith (11)

Is a low count of abo an indication of narcolepsy?


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

Narcolepsy is a clinical diagnosis and there are no blood labs to specifically diagnose narcolepsy. An ABO is used to measure other conditions.


Answer by  jam61 (53)

While a low abo count can be an indication of narcolepsy, narcolepsy is considered a sleep disorder and other testing needs to be done. A low abo count can also be and indication of other conditions as well such as certain types of flu. Correlation will other symptoms is also needed for a diagnosis.


Answer by  linsm (898)

A low abo count does indicate narcolepsy. There are multiple reasons for abnormal abo levels, such as swine flu. Narcolepsy is a sleeep disorder. One primary symptom is seen with those who suddenly fall asleep during dinner. Further testing, such as sleep studies determine if a sleep disorder is present.


Answer by  Elmore (124)

Low levels of a protein called hypocretin (which is made in the brain) is an underlying cause of narcolepsy which is a disorder that makes people fall asleep during the day.

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