

Question by  sauvblanc (96)

If I've gone out on two dates with a guy, do I have to officially break up with him?


Answer by  shego (255)

You don't have to officially do anything. Women today can follow their own rules; and they should. Why let a male dominated society determine what is best for us? If they knew the answers, the divorce rate wouldn't be 70% and the world would be a more peaceful place. Same goes for sleeping with a man.


Answer by  wwhisnant (38)

Yes. He really likes you or there wouldn't have been a second date with him. If you don't want to see him again, tell him directly instead of stringing him along. Don't worry - his feelings won't be hurt for long, guys seem to move on to another girl quickly.


Answer by  someonewhoknows (36)

If either of you made it seem serious in anyway, then it's a must. However, if it was pretty clear you guys were testing the waters, then not reaching out to him should be enough. You can just tell him when he calls that you think you guys would be better off friends.


Answer by  Anonymous

yes you do

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