birth control


Question by  hlb9600 (31)

I am on the pill, so why do I feel pregnant?


Answer by  pinkie (247)

Is this the first time you used the pill? Have you been taking the pill religiously? If not, you may really be pregnant. If you're late, get an epp.


Answer by  Turks (319)

Pills are not the best way to avoid pregnancy! If you feel pregnant get a "pregnancy test kit" and get a test done.


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

Birth control has been known to cause weight gain for its consumer, despite the benefits of pregnancy prevention and period regulation. You could just be bloated, and sickness could be from an adjustment period for the body since it's not used to the pill.


Answer by  bash (1026)

If you are regularly taking the pills, the chances of pregnancy is rare. You might have forgotten to take the pill as per instructions. Better consult a gynaucologist and conduct certain tests prescribed by the Doctor.

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