

Question by  TimaClay (16)

How much does a hairless cat cost?


Answer by  ConSue (69)

Breeders of Sphynx cats cand and do charge varying prices. However the typical price range is somewhere between $1200 - $2000.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

They cost into the thousands, you can expect to pay at least $1200-$3000. They are not easy care- they have specific needs that also cost a great deal.


Answer by  mommy1255yahoocom (28)

I googled hairless cats for sale and found that you can do a search and find one for free. All but out of one I got a range of $2300.


Answer by  choctaw (361)

Several hundread to a thousand dollars depending on if it is a show quality or pet quality cat. Keep in mind they require lots of maintinence even without hair


Answer by  Scott93 (119)

The average cost for a hairless cate is around $1,000-$1,500 (US). For a show quality cat, the cost is around $3,000.


Answer by  Anonymous

Keep in mind that with a hairless cat, you are recommended to bathe them once a week. I have one that gets all oily unless I do.

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