


Question by  amullins30 (18)

How much American money is 5 Francs?


Answer by  johnviiiyahoocom (7)

$5.33 in american money. 4.69 in francs money. US: 1 to francs: 1.07 US: 2 to francs: 2.13 US: 3 to francs: 3.20 US: 4 to francs: 4.26 US: 5 to francs: 5.33 US: 6 to francs: 6.40 US: 7 to francs: 7.46


Answer by  qbus (306)

This is depending on what kind of Francs, because several country have a currency called Franc. The most common was the French Franc (replaced by the euro in 2002) with 5 Francs = EUR 0.76 = $0.95 (exchange rate from 1st of July 2010)


Answer by  jon6 (488)

This amount changes every day. You have to check the exchange rates. It also depends on if you have gold or silver francs.


Answer by  Vladlen (358)

There are over 20 countries that use different francs at the moment. Talking about the most popular Swiss franc, 5 Swiss francs is about 4.5 US dollars.

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