how does it work


Question by  stphaniecostello (159)

How does a spa work?


Answer by  bouks999 (496)

The aspect of a spa is to give you relaxation. There is the mud bath and then the deep tissue message. Or the nice relaxing hot tub. A spa can make you feel like you have just hit the jackpot because you are so relaxed.


Answer by  lam (184)

I went to the Hershey spa. You can stay as long as you want. They give you a robe when you get there, and they have different rooms you can sit in and relax. They either come room to room to look for you or call over a loudspeaker when they are ready for your massage, facial, or whatever.


Answer by  kilua (86)

every single skin care room (1 bed) from 6-8m. Basic 3-4 bed rooms from 12-32m,music:Many free music of nature as the free stream, flutes, birdsong. A specialist aesthetic professional must have at least 6 months of apprenticeship and must have a minimum working 3000H,Diversified services.

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