

Question by  snikcidylime (32)

How can teens become extras in movies?


Answer by  Caryn85 (418)

There a many ways to become an extra in movies. If you live in the New York City or Los Angeles area you can often sign up for services that charge a one time standard fee of about $30. If you live in other ares check Craigslist.com frequently.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

They can go on craigslist and look under the art and entertainment section where tv castings are. Then, show up at the time and place they want to cast extras for!


Answer by  CrystalEg (500)

The best way is to do research online and at schools in order to find companies that handle hiring extras for movies. They should also have a full biography and resume along with a head shot to pass along to prospective companies.


Answer by  wehadthought (391)

Check industry magazines and websites for casting calls for extras. Alternatively, send a headshot, a full length body shot and a short description of the teen in question, mentioning any skills they may have (eg other languages, basketball) to local casting agents for their files.

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