

Question by  Craig58 (24)

How can I go about forfeiting a visitation right?


Answer by  thelostone (1457)

Write a statement about you giving up your visitation rights. Then you need to get it notarized and submit it to the court that handled the original case.


Answer by  patti (29325)

You don't need to do anything special, just don't arrange visitation. Tell the custodial party that you are no longer interested in visitation. You might put it in writing to avoid problems later. Discontinuing visitation does not change any orders regarding child support or other court-ordered responsibilities. It also does not terminate parental rights.


Answer by  Richard88 (391)

In most states the law requires that the biological father provide support to the children, so if your interest is in saving money, giving up visitation won't do it. If you suspect that the children aren't yours, get genetic testing. Unilaterally giving up visitation will not make the court friendlier to any of your future requests.


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

You would first need to talk to the lawyer involved in the case. Once this is done and the reasons and motions are established, you will then need to take the case to the judge. The judge will then be able to help you with the paperwork to forfeit visitation.


Answer by  patti (29325)

If you are scheduled for visitation with a child (or children), notify the parent or guardian that you do not with to keep the visit. If you want to forgo visitation in the future, make that clear. The right to visitation will remain in tact, but it is best to communicate your intention with the other parent/guardian.


Answer by  Wallybingus (176)

It's a right, not a requirement, so all you have to do is not exercise it. If you're talking about children, though, and there is no visitation or other support or contact for six months or more, you might be at risk for having your parental rights terminated.


Answer by  zaktak (28)

You should first find out if your state allows forfiture of visitation rights, if yes, contact the agency that conducts the visitation, or the person whom is being visited, for information concering the current visitation process.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

I can't imagine why you'd want to. But you can just decline to go. You can also let the court know you chose to surrender that right. Talk to the person your planning on leaving behind, and explain you don't want to be part of their life.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will have to go to a lawyer to find out how. You must also have evidence that the person who wants to see the child is a good thing or bad.

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