how to


Question by  pawmew (17)

How can I get a cherry tree to grow from a cherry pit?


Answer by  collingwood (122)

Chill the pit in the fridge for a couple of weeks to simulate winter. Plant outdoors, and keep watered. it will grow in the spring.


Answer by  choctaw (361)

Plant the pit in a small pot about 2 inches below soil. Keep it moist. It will take 4-6 months to germinate. Transplant to larger container or ground.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Make a slit in the pit and soak in tempid water for 3 days. Changing the water each day. After the third day plant in pot and watch it grow.


Answer by  rg08121973 (16)

Wash the pit and dry it with paper towel to remove the pulp gently. Put it in soil with some organic fertilizers and water it daily.


Answer by  Anonymous

Very Carefully.

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