car repairs


Question by  smooth (37)

How can I disable the door keypad on my car?


Answer by  chazeloff (324)

First remove the door panel and gain access to the inside the door, then disconnect the connector to the keypad.


Answer by  LeheckaG (1826)

You did not say which car-model? On many, you can unplug the cabling someplace-between the door-keypad & the electronic-control-module or reprogram-settings in the control-module; though it might also disable something-else?


Answer by  Sparky (44)

This is a process that can be performed with a Scan tool. A scan tool is plugged into the data link connector and the keypad function is disabled with inputs from the scan tool.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you can disable it by simply contacting your car dealer. Otherwise, just don't use it. Set a key lock password and do not let anybody have access to it.


Answer by  mrsmyers (474)

No unfortunatly there is no way to disable this feature on your car. On the bright side it is useful.

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