

Question by  umadevi (6)

Have all Circuit City stores closed, if so why?


Answer by  cresandsuzanne (115)

Circuit City closed its headquarters building in January, 2010; Its worldwide locations were liquidated, after the chain officially filed for bankruptcy. The stores were placed up for sale and when no buyers came forward the Circuit City brand was purchased by Systemax, who uses the name to sell and distribute electronics via the internet.


Answer by  Purple (948)

Yes, they all went out of business several years ago. They just could not compete with Wal-Mart on the TV's. They could not sell them as cheap especially at Christmas.


Answer by  crystalj (196)

Circuit City stores are non-exsistent, closed, and out of business. Reason for this is that in 2009 Circuit City filed for bankruptcy and liqudated its last stores in the same year.


Answer by  Brandydog (631)

All Circuit City stores have been closed as of March 8th. The reason for the closure is that the storefronts were not meeting profit expectations. The lull in the economy might be attributable.

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