

Question by  user21 (361)

Does it matter what kind of dish washer detergent you use?


Answer by  housemama (69)

It does matter what kind of dishwashing detergent you use. Some inexpensive formulas may even contain sand! There are detergents for hard water and soft water, as well as liquid or powder ones. You may also choose to use a rinse aid to get you dishes really clean. Some people use biodegradable detergent to help the environment.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

I think personal choice is the word for the type of dishwashing detergent you use personally I like Dawn as it cuts grease very well and is also soft on your hands.


Answer by  GeorgeS58 (121)

Detergents are basically the same, so it really doesn't matter which one you use. However, if you are using a front loading washer you probably should use high efficiency deterrent.

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