health conditions


Question by  puppygrrl (103)

Does cortisone work for a UTI?


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

It can decrease the inflammation found in the urinary tract from the infection. This can alleviate the pain that comes from inflammation. Infection is also reduced as a result of the decreased inflammation.


Answer by  JKJOLYNN (170)

You mean urinary tract infection, right? I would not do this! If you have a UTI you probably need some kind of antibiotics, call your doctor.


Answer by  shadowb (106)

I am not familiar with cortisone medications for the treatment of a UTI. However, that is not meant to say that a physician may not prescribe cortisone for the condition that you may be experiencing. Only a licensed physician can answer that question for you.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

No. Where did you even get that idea? If you have a UTI that doesn't go away for several days, you should see a doctor.


Answer by  mg (219)

No. A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria, which must be treated with antibiotics. Cortisone is a steroid, which suppresses the immune system, exactly what you don't want when you have an infection of any kind. Cortisone may stop the itching and burning, but in the long run, it may make the infection worse.


Answer by  JSmith0330 (616)

Cortisone is a drug that is used to treat back and neck pain , a U T I is a uniary tract infection if its not treated right away it could turn in something serious. You might want to call your doctor just to make sure it is infact a u t i , if you havent already.

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