

Question by  snimball (23)

Can you give a canine phenobarbital?


Answer by  davidaaron (103)

As a person who is untrained in the veterinary profession, I would not give my pet phenobarbital. However, I know that phenobarbital is commonly used to euthanize pets. Unless one knows what they are doing, I don't recommend administering medication of any kind to any animal unless by a veterinarian.


Answer by  msjanetjones (158)

Phenobarbital is an inexpensive drug used by vets to control seizures and/or to control epilepsy in dogs. When prescribed it can be used on a daily basis to maintain epilepsy problems or as an in the moment drug to stop a seizure. One should always follow the advice of a qualified vet when administering medication.


Answer by  Justbarb (98)

Yes, as prevention for seizers, but only under a veterinarian's care. Dosing needs to be prescribed while blood levels need monitoring and stabilization.


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

Yes, many dogs that have trouble with seizures (grand mal and epilepsy) take this drug. However, it seems there is also a need to amend the diet as well since additional protein in the diet has an effect on the drug. It is easy to adjust the dose to fit the dog, relatively inexpensive and comes in pill or liquid.


Answer by  myowne28 (19)

Yes you can you must make sue you go to your vet to make sure your canine receives the proper doses to control the seizures.


Answer by  vex (117)

Yes, phenobarbital is a commonly used anti-epileptic drug used in dogs. In most dogs, using it alone is effective in preventing seizures. Since it is a barbiturate, your dog may become more sedate and possibly ataxic, however it has proven to be a safe drug.

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