

Question by  Joey (16)

Can I take Sudafed while breastfeeding?


Answer by  mseeyore6380 (60)

Is it not recommended taking Sudafed as it can decrease your milk supply as well as it can pass through your milk to the baby.


Answer by  Megan99 (183)

Yes, Sudafed is quite safe for the infant, although it has been shown to decrease milk production somewhat in the mother, so use in moderation. Dr. Thomas Hale has a wonderful book on how all kinds of medication interacts with breastmilk.


Answer by  LauraLS (195)

Sudafed has been found by the American Academy of Pediatricians to have no adverse effects in babies when taken by Mom for normal occasional use during illness. Prolonged use has been reported to somewhat decrease milk supply, although the milk supply could simply be affected by dehydration caused by the illness.


Answer by  Loyola (378)

Sudafed contains Pseudoephedrine which can pass into the mother's breast milk. However, the amount of Pseudoephedrine that the baby would receive (about 10% of the mother's dose) is small enough to be considered harmless according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The baby may exhibit some temporary symptoms such as an inability to sleep or crankiness.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

If you are unsure if the medicine is safe ask your doctor. Never take medication if you're unsure if it's safe or not.


Answer by  booboobear (139)

It is a very bad idea to take any medications while breastfeeding your child. Not enough research has gone into finding out what chemicals are passed to the child, and what exactly the harmful effects are. As a rule of thumb, cease all medication until your child is weaned. Check with your doctor to be sure.

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