pet health


Question by  thecheeseman (22)

Can guinea pigs eat peaches?


Answer by  vietnamgirls (1177)

Guinea Pigs can eat peaches as well as almost all other kinds of fruit. They should only eat fruit one or two times a week and servings should be limited to one to two tablespoons per 2 lbs of body weight. If they get too much sweet tasting food, they will neglect other foods high in nutrients.


Answer by  Kimz (34)

Yes guinea pigs can eat peaches. Guinea pigs can eat any type of fruit or vegetable. They especially love carrots, but peaches are fine for them, too. You might want to peel them so that they don't have to eat the pesticides on the skin.

posted by Anonymous
Noo. Guinea pigs can NOT eat any type of fruit or vegetable. They can't eat iceberg lettuce or tomatoes. They can't eat pickled vegies & more.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
they cant eat a TON of certain fruits or veggies!!!!! u should really do ur reseaerch. they also should not have spiniach, celery, etc.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
Guinea pigs should not eat anything with a bulb. Tomatoes are too acidic for their bodies to handle and also can be dangerous. Other acidic fruits, like apples, can be given in moderation. In addition, nutrients are most frequent on the skin of a fruit, so just wash it well.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
I have 14 guinea pigs. They have no problems eating iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, apples, spinach or cabbage and they LOVE celery!!!!!!!! You must core the apples and they do not eat the skin.  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Yes, they can. But only fresh ones, none of that canned peaches stuff, because of added sugar. Feed in moderation. Skin the peach. Don't let it eat the core.


Answer by  mansi (521)

This is a list of ruits that you can feed your guinea pig (01 cubic inch only): Peach apple blueberries papaya pear pineapple plums raspberries strawberries melon orange (including peel) tomato Mustard greens / Leaf Mustard Water Cress Garden Cress Swiss Chard, Red Chard Spinach Carrot tops / leaves Peas in pods, Pea Shoots (not dried) Dandelion greens

posted by Anonymous
Don't forget kale!  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
I was told you cannot feed apples because they cause problems and can make your guinea pig very sick with runs.  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
you should consider adding comma's (,) between all your words so it makes more sense  add a comment

Answer by  collingwood (122)

It is fine to give your guinea pig peach in small amounts, but make sure it is fresh and not canned fruit.


Answer by  Anonymous

After reading this, I have to say Thanks to everyone! The only thing I did not read was that they can not eat/have iceburg lettuce. Thanks again!


Answer by  Anonymous

yes,it should be a treat for them,just like any other fruit. (but dont stop given them it they need the vitiam c). if you soil them by giving them it all the time they wont eat other food ,(any thing that isnt sweet. ) they need the high nutrients.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes good for them!


Answer by  Anonymous

thanks everyone this helped a lot.

posted by Anonymous
Helped me out as well!  add a comment

Answer by  guineapigs101 (0)

guinea pigs can not eat celery or it will wrap around thier throat


Answer by  Anonymous

thanks a lot my guinea pig looked sick.

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