reproductive health


Question by  dream088 (5)

Are lower abdominal twinges linked to menopausal symptoms?


Answer by  Heloise (397)

They could be, but I would get this checked out as a precaution. I don't want to frighten you, but gynecological pain of unknown origin could be a symptom of something serious. Hormonal changes throughout our lives do cause some odd symptoms sometimes, but unusual and unexplained pains should never be dismissed as "normal".


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

If you are having constant twinges or bleeding medical investigation might be needed. It could be a cyst if there is pain. Sometimes there maybe a very light twinge but that is all. There could be another underlying problem maybe with the digestive system. If there is irregular constant painful twinges have it checked out.


Answer by  darla (94)

Lower abdominal twinges are not necessarily linked to menopause. There could be many problems associated with this type of pain. It could be an ovarian or uteran cyst for example, perhaps a problem with the apendix, as well as menstrual cycle problems. I would always suggest seeing the doctor if you are having any type of pain.


Answer by  dream088 (5)

can menapause and lower abdominal twinges be related

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